
Two lesbians in happy relationship, looking at each other. This signifies happy lesbian relationship by attending lesbian couples therapy with an expert lesbian therapist or expert relationship coaching for lesbians at Therapy for Lesbian Couples.

People assume

“Lesbian couples are like straight couples…

just with two women.”

Whoever thinks that, clearly hasn’t been in a lesbian relationship.

As Two Women, You Can Understand

Each Other So Well…

Yet Still Have Difficulties

Communicating and Connecting.

Lesbian Relationships have Stressors Others Don’t Have

As comforting and comfortable as your similarities are, you still are two individuals. And you are lesbians in a straight world.

Issues such as different levels of being ‘out‘, blurred boundaries with ex’s, sexual intimacy and family ‘drama’ are some of the things that can begin to challenge your feelings of safety in your relationship.

But You Long for the Same Thing all Couples Want…Connection

It’s painful to be stuck in misunderstandings and feeling alone in your relationship. It is such a helpless and lonely place to be. And the one you would turn to for support…she’s the one you are struggling with.

In the end, you both long to feel understood and enjoy one another again… You want to feel she ‘has your back’ and that you are a team, once again.

Every lesbian relationship benefits from TLC.

It’s complicated when

your best friend

is also your wife or your partner.

You connected and became involved with your girlfriend (now possibly partner or wife). You had so much in common and really felt understood.

The intensity of that connection becomes the intensity of the pain when you don’t ‘feel heard’ by her. Lesbian partners depend on one another as friends, so when things aren’t good, you can feel very alone.

Photograph of the lesbian expert Bri McCarroll. She is also known as an expert relationship coach for lesbians.

Hello, I am Bri McCarroll…a lesbian relationship coach and an expert on lesbian couples.

I get it.

At Therapy for Lesbian Couples (TLC), we know all lesbian relationships benefit from some TLC.

We also understand the complexities and your unique needs, as a lesbian couple.

All Those Home Depot Jokes…

It’s all about getting the right tools to get the job done, right?

Well, actually, it is!

I am a Lesbian Couples Therapist That Teaches You Tools

In my 20+ years of working with couples, I have seen that struggling couples need to learn HOW to connect and communicate differently. So I changed things and now, I work with couples as a relationship coach.

I teach, coach, and help you actively and concretely do things differently in your relationship.

These are the ways I help and give your relationship TLC…

Private Retreats

Two cups in front of daybed with pillows. Signifies a private lesbian couples retreats or a private couples therapy retreat for lesbians and lgbt couples.

Meeting over a few days, you make change that would normally take months. Learn HOW to connect and communicate better, making your relationship stronger, resilient, and more satisfying.

Couples Workshops

Table with colors of lgbt community and keyboard and cappuccino. This signifies online relationship coaching for lesbian couples and lgbt couples.

Limited to 3 couples at a time, Workshops are available ONLINE. This allows you to escape to a destination of your choice while working on your relationship at the same time.

Relationship Coaching

Close up of lesbian couple with tablet pc at home. This signifies engaging in online relationship coaching for lesbians or getting lesbian relationship help online.

Developing skills takes practice. After attending a Workshop or Retreat, your skills may be reinforced with ONLINE coaching. Use this support as needed to keep your relationship on track.

I may not be your first love,

first kiss, first sight, or first date…

but I want to be your last


Helping Lesbians Locally From Boston to NYC or Online as far as San Francisco!

Painted rainbow heart that is symbolic of lgbt community. This signifies help for lgbt couples and intensive relationship therapy for lesbians.